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Pinnacle Award Recipients

The Pinnacle award represents the highest distinction Hawaii Chapter members can attain in gratitude for their commitment to the industry, our chapter and the CRB Designation.

In 2019 The Hawai‘i REBI Chapter elected to honor Stewart Wade's lifelong dedication to the industry and profession by naming this award after him, becoming the Stewart L. Wade Pinnacle Award!

Arabel Camblor, ABR, CRB, CRS, GRI, C2EX, AHWD

2024 Pinnacle Awardee

Arabel Camblor was presented the 2024 Hawai‘i REBI Chapter’s Steward L. Wade Pinnacle Award on October 22. The Pinnacle award represents the highest distinction Hawai‘i REBI (Real Estate Business Institute) Chapter members can attain in gratitude for their commitment to the industry.

Arabel is noted for her long list of contributions to the REALTOR® community. She has participated in many committees that led her to become the president of both the Hawai‘i Island REALTORS (2009) and the Hawai‘i REALTORS® (2015).

Arabel has a passion for education and earned the ABR, CRB, CRS, GRI designations and the C2EX and At Home With Diversity certifications. She became an instructor and currently teaches Broker Awareness and a GRI course. She also is a trustee and facilitator for the Hawai‘i REALTORS® Leadership Academy (HARLA).

In business she grew from being an agent, to a broker-in-charge, and now a broker-owner of Arabel L. Camblor Realty. She received recognition as REALTOR® of the Year from both Hawai‘i Island REALTORS® and Hawai‘i REALTORS®. Congratulations, Arabel!


Arabel with her husband Adolf (left) and son Alex (right)

2023: Dusty Woodstock

2022: Frank Goodale

2021: Kevin Inn

2020: Jenny Brady

2019: John Harris

2018: Chuck Garrett

2017: Fran Villarmia-Kahawai

2016: Lurline Johnson

2015: Judy Sykes

2014: Guy Tamashiro

2013: Scott Fujiwara

2012: Norman M. Noguchi

2011: Rowena B. Cobb

2010: Dale Bordner

2009: Dana Chandler

2008: Trudy Nishihara

2007: Steward Wade

2006: Jo Brooks

2005: Vi Dolman

2004: Berton Hamamoto

2003: Robert W. Barber, Sr.

2002: Joyce Nakamura

2001: Anne Keamo

2000: Ron N. Lee

1999: Jo Anne Kaneshiro 

Contact Us

Tel: 808-733-7060

1259 A'ala Street #300

Honolulu, Hawaii 96817

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